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Monday 27 January 2014

Frank Lloyd Wright - Architect ( 1867 - 1959 )

Frank Lloyd Wright  

Building For Democracy - Frank Lloyd Wright  

Frank Lloyd Wright, in the turn of the century between 1895 - 1905, in the United States was producing architecture, signifying the way of the future. Where at first he was laughed at. 

Being raised in a rather poor family, his father was a minister  and mother was a teacher. He spent his younger boyhood on his uncles;s farm. His surroundings were pastoral, educational,agricultural and welsh. He grew up in the ancestral valley, and it was to that valley that he returned, after leaving wife and family, to build his own home. 

 Combined with his back ground he soon learned to read. He excelled in music, due to the playing at home and in church. His profession was later determined by his mother. Hardly of the farm, he enrolled himself in the University for special students of Wisconsin School of Engineering. Not satisfied he ran away to Chicago. Working with Adler and Sullivan over in Chicago for several years, he then had a disagreement and left . Opening his own office. His childhood in the valley and on the farm was reflected in his architectural designs, buildings had gently sloping roofs.   

The first step in this direction of design was, developed quite naturally. More open spaces,screened off from one another by simple architectural devices, rather than using partitions and doors. This eventually came to be known in modern architecture as the Open Plan . The integration of the building with its natural site was another development.

Source ; Wright Book - Published by Taschen - by Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer 

More on Lloyd Wright can be found on ; - Online - Last accessed 27/01/2014 


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