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1.5 | Relationship between Historical Source & Modern Practice in Photography - Cyanotype

Summary | Cyanotype Photography Tutorial

Source for full video : - Last accessed on 26/01/2014

In a twelve minute video, Corvat gives a proper tutorial on how to reproduce a modern day Cyanotype print.
The tutorial is presented in a way it can easily be understood. Details on the paper used through out the process is given. Also Starting off with a historical back ground on Cyanotypes. Giving the viewer a more valuable source on what Cyanotype actually is. An Example which was reproduced by the amazing Anna Atkins, is also shown indicating what the result should look like when finishing a Cyanotype print.

Moving on to Photogram prints which also uses Cyanotype paper. Explaining through some examples he made. The light sensitive paper when exposed to sun light produces silhouettes. Through his example he explains that the white areas remaining on the paper are the un-exposed areas, while the blue areas are the exposed ones.

What type of paper is used  for the process is included also indicating the name. Details of purchase and writing can be easily read. Video and sound quality is good throughout tutorial.

Describing various methods on how to capture cyanotypes. What type of photographic equipment is used. Such as a n old Nikon 35 mm camera , where he mounts the light sensitive paper in the camera. Using to his advantage the wide aperture of the lens therefore allowing the largest amount of light expose the paper as much as possible.

Explaining while working in dark room on the process on preparing the film, is fluent and clear. While leading the viewer step by step. Lacking light due to the fact that light sensitive paper is being used, any light contaminating the paper will damage the end result. Continuing with the process, he describes step by step, through the fixing and developing stage. At times are not too clear to view, this might have been corrected while taking the movie.

A great added value to the tutorial, are some example shown of various Cyanotype that turned out to be wrong results. Explaining what went wrong through trial and error.
Concluding with various examples.

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