Visit at the Fortification Builders Museum Valletta Malta
The fortification Builders Museum, is a re collection that goes 3000 years . Covering various eras of how fortifications and castles were designed and built . Evolution in weaponry was the key in the evolution of city walls, fortifications and Medieval castles. With age of the canon and metal canon balls, through the period were the Turks invaded us with Granite and marble canon balls, through the evolution of projectiles.
Below are a few images taken of the eras covered dating through the the 1600's to the 1700's.
The first panel of the Era Covered 1600's - 1700's Knights of Malta |
Coastal Defense Towers Built by the Grand Masters - Malta & Gozo |
The museum is well finished and maintained, what impressed me the most apart from the rich history in Architecture, was the over presentation of the project. I particularly loved how boards were constructed and mounted. Materials used are all solids, such as African and American Walnut woods. This gives the ambience a whole new feel to it, you feel the sense of crafts man ship hard work and effort. All the man hours put in constructing these mystical walls and fortifications.
The ambience is quiet but also has character in its self, as the location is part of the fortification so you can appreciate more, putting you back hundreds of decades. Lighting and ambience also play an important role as the lighting was also carefully placed on the right areas, especially using a warm light scheme.
The Models them selves of the forts and costal watch towers are very well made and I simply loved the fact that one can actually use the man holes in the displays to interact with the models, feeling and getting in touch enthusing the senses almost making you feel u are part of history.
Web Links of visits made @ The Fortress Builders Museum
Valletta | Malta
as seen by the journalists | News Papers
An article taken from the Times Of Malta Web site article taken from the Gozo tourism association
An article From
The Maltese Independent News Paper also covered the Museum
The National fine arts museum is a great source to analyze and compare artists, techniques similarities and differences. Also being a rich source in exhibitions.
Very good ! Interesting blogg